

In support of our vision to create a safer Australia that is better connected, informed and capable of responding to crime and criminal justice issues, we make a range of unclassified intelligence products and public submission and corporate documents available to the public.

Our agency works closely with the Australian Institute of Criminology. You can view their publications on their website.


To help inform the public about crime affecting Australia, we make a range of unclassified intelligence products publicly available as unclassified reports, including the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program reports and the Illicit Drug Data Report.

Public submissions

We provide specialist advice to government on a range of topics that intersect with organised crime, information sharing for law enforcement, and criminal justice research.

For more information, see the Public submissions page.

Corporate documents

We publish publicly available corporate documents on our website, including annual reports, strategic plan and corporate plan.

For more information, see the corporate documents page.

Latest publications

Our corporate plan is our primary planning document. It is prepared in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and covers a four-year period, with particular focus on the current financial year.

Report 22 analysed sampling of Australia’s drug consumption collected for up to 7 days in both December 2023 and February 2024 covering 55% of the Australian population.

Endorsed by the board, our one-page strategic direction is key part of our planning framework, and outlines our strategic objectives to enable us to achieve our purpose.