Intelligence reports

Our unclassified intelligence reports provide insight into serious and organised crime impacting Australia including illicit drugs, serious financial crime and illicit firearms.


This report, undertaken by the Australian Institute of Criminology for the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, estimates that serious and organised crime cost Australia up to $68.7 billion a year.

This report is the third in a series undertaken by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) for the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. The report estimates serious and organised crime costs Australia up to $60.1 billion per year.

The Methylamphetamine supply reduction—measures of effectiveness report is the first time the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has overlaid consumption data derived from the 

The Serious Financial Crime in Australia 2017 report provides a national picture of serious financial crime currently impacting the Australian community.

The Organised Crime in Australia report provides the most comprehensive unclassified profile of organised crime in Australia. It includes characteristics of those involved, what drives them, activities they are involved in and the extent and impact of organised crime.

While Australia has some of the strongest firearm controls in the world, illicit firearms remain a desirable commodity and enabler for criminal activity. Even just one illicit firearm is a threat to the safety of Australians.

The relentless pursuit of illicit profit and power by serious and organised crime affects the Australian community in many ways. The impact is negative, the costs are high, and we all pay the price.