Social media
The ACIC can be found on Instagram, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook. We use these channels to inform, educate and increase awareness of our agency’s core work to provide mission critical intelligence on serious and organised crime threats impacting Australia.
We may sometimes follow or like people and pages to do with ACIC matters. This does not mean that we endorse the people or pages, and their content.
Similarly, we might sometimes link to other websites. This does not mean we endorse the website, service or person.
We do not release any private or confidential information through social media.
We manage our social media channels from 9 am to 5 pm weekdays (Canberra time), and respond to comments and messages where possible and appropriate.
Social media channels
Instagram: @acic_govau
X: @ACICgovau
Our agency works closely with the Australian Institute of Criminology, which also has several social media channels. Details are at
Reminder about social media use
- Public domain – remember, anyone can search and view any public posts you make on social media sites such as Facebook and X. Please be aware that what you post may remain online indefinitely and can be found through search engines and online archives.
- Personal privacy – we ask that you protect your personal privacy and the privacy of others by not posting personal information on our social media sites. Where possible, we will remove posts that contain personal information or are against our social media user policy.
- Responsible use – if using our agency's social media sites, you must not post or upload any content, comments or links that are unlawful, or may defame, discriminate, offend, humiliate or intimidate, interfere with privacy or infringe copyright or other intellectual property rights, or has the potential to affect national security or damage the reputation of our agency or the Australian Government. While our social media sites are an open forum, please keep your comments polite. We will remove any content that is racist, obscene, explicit, hateful or intended to defame any person or agency.
- Apolitical – our agency's social media sites are apolitical and as such, we will remove posts that are political in content and/or nature.
- Advertising – we do not allow, and will remove, any solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. We will remove links to non-government websites, other Facebook groups or inappropriate posts at our discretion.
- Follow – we do not automatically follow any account that follows our accounts.