Board of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Chair Annual Report 2017-18

About this report

This report by the Chair of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) Board documents the operations of the ACIC for 2017–18, as required by the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 (ACC Act). The board does not have its own staff or budget so there are no financial statements to report.

This report is presented to the Commonwealth Minister for Home Affairs and appropriate ministers of each participating state and territory.

The separate annual report by the ACIC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) fulfils the requirements of government agencies under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. It includes information about the ACIC’s progress against the outcome strategy, deliverables and key performance indicators in the Portfolio Budget Statement and Corporate Plan, as well as details about the agency’s structure, staffing and audited financial statements.

By producing separate reports, the Chair and the CEO are able to directly address requirements of the respective legislation.

Contact details

For enquires about this annual report and general information requests, please contact the:

Manager, Communication and Media

Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

GPO Box 1936


Phone: 02 6268 7343


© Commonwealth of Australia 2019

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ISSN: 2209-3729 (print)

ISSN: 2209-3737 (online)