The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission’s (ACIC) National Firearms Identification Database (NFID) is a reference tool that helps Australian police identify and record firearms in a consistent way. NFID is used to identify and characterise a firearm, using details such as make, model, chambering and capacity.
NFID is a reference tool that helps Australian police to consistently identify and record firearms during:
- registration
- importation
- transfer of ownership
- movement across state and territory borders.
The NFID public website assists with the identification of firearms for registration and destruction. The website went live on 27 August 2021.
Each listed firearm has a unique NFID number which can then be entered into the Australian Firearms Information Network (AFIN) to ensure that the details of the firearm are accurate.
The AFIN provides a national life-cycle view of registered firearms in Australia, from legal importation through to legal exportation or destruction, to support law enforcement agencies and the officers who protect our communities.
All Australian police jurisdictions, including the Australian Federal Police integrated with AFIN by 2020–21.
The AFIN provides firearm information through system to system integration, this allows national access to detailed, historical and cross jurisdictional firearms information to improve safety.
The information in the AFIN is provided by firearm registries and also Commonwealth agencies who deal with imports/exports and permits. States and territories are responsible for issues relating to possession, licensing, manufacture and use of firearms. AFIN allows state and territory firearms registries to maintain visibility of firearms and firearm holder’s information – such as name and date of birth – and where they are registered when they move between state and territory registries. Although AFIN improves information-sharing between states and territories in relation to individual firearms, its purpose is not to manage and regulate ownership and use. AFIN is available for each state and territory to search national information on firearms.
The ACIC works closely with all Australian policing partners to support sharing of information to counter criminal threats and mitigate risk, including through NFID and AFIN. Further, strong national collaboration has been key in the development and delivery of the ACIC’s National Criminal Intelligence System (NCIS), which provides Australian law enforcement and intelligence agencies with secure access to a national view of criminal intelligence and information. AFIN data will be ingested into NCIS in the future allowing for overlay of firearms information with criminal intelligence holdings and police incident data.