Illicit Drug Data Report 2016–17

Our Illicit Drug Data Report (IDDR) informs Australia’s understanding of the illicit drug threat and focuses collective efforts by bringing together data from a wide range of sources into the one unique report.

In 2016–17, Australian police services made 113,533 national illicit drug seizures, weighing a record total of 27.4 tonnes, with a record 154,650 national illicit drug arrests. The international mail stream continues to account for the greatest proportion of the number of illicit drug detections at the Australian border. However, the importation stream accounting for the greatest proportion of the weight continues to vary across drug types and reporting periods.

The format and structure of the IDDR has changed this reporting period. This evolution provides a more concise report, while still retaining key illicit drug market information and insights.

Similar to previous reports, the 2016–17 report provides an overview of changes since the previous reporting period and also includes some longer term trends in key market indicators—including border detections, national seizures and arrests, price, purity, forensic analysis, wastewater analysis and drug user survey data—which inform and enhance our understanding of Australia’s illicit drug markets and the ability to identify changes within them.

Full report

