2015–16 annual reports tabled for former ACC and CrimTrac

Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

The 2015–16 annual reports for previous agencies, the Australian Crime Commission and CrimTrac were tabled in parliament today. These were the final annual reports for each agency following their recent merge on 1 July 2016 to form the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission.

Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission CEO, Chris Dawson, said the annual reports highlighted the great work both agencies had done to combat serious and organised crime and to support our law enforcement partners.

“Our work has a direct impact on the wellbeing and safety of all Australians,” Mr Dawson said.

“In 2015–16 the Australian Crime Commission worked to discover, understand and respond to serious and organised crime through criminal intelligence services, investigations and intelligence operations.

“Last financial year CrimTrac helped police to detect, rescue and prevent crime in our community by working in partnership with Australia’s police agencies to develop and main a national police information sharing service.

“Now that we have merged, our combined efforts will help create a safer Australia that is better connected, informed and capable of responding to crime and criminal justice issues.

“All our staff should be proud of the work they achieved for the Australian Crime Commission and CrimTrac. It is their expertise and skill that allows us to strengthen Australia’s ability to respond to crime affecting our community.”

The Australian Crime Commission annual report highlights that the agency:

  • seized more than $1.81 billion of illicit drugs
  • shared 28,133 reports, alerts and intelligence products with partner agencies
  • conducted 202 coercive examinations
  • seized more than $12.59 million cash
  • arrested 289 people on 909 charges.

Highlights from the CrimTrac report include:

  • more than 42.1 million searches of the National Police Reference System
  • more than 4.3 million criminal history checks
  • 366,423 people added to the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System
  • 88 crime scenes matches through the Australian Ballistic information Network.

The Australian Crime Commission annual report and the CrimTrac annual report can be found on the ACIC website: www.acic.gov.au