Report 17 of the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program

The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has commissioned The University of Queensland, and through it the University of South Australia, to undertake the data collection and analysis that underpins the report.

Report 17 of the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program covers around 56% of the Australian population, which equates to about 14.1 million people. This is the first report that incorporates population estimates from the 2021 Census, making our estimates of the population being sampled more accurate.

Fifty-seven wastewater treatment plants across Australia participated in the April 2022 collection, which monitored the consumption of 12 substances. In June 2022, when only capital city sites were sampled, there were 20 sites.

Key findings and additional data are available – by state and territory and drug type – as a guide to trends over the period the respective drugs have been monitored by the wastewater program.

Full report

Media material

Longitudinal data figures, by state and territory and drug type

View previous National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program reports.