

Three men have been charged by the Victorian Joint Organised Crime Taskforce (JOCTF) for an alleged attempt to import 140 kilograms of methamphetamine into Australia concealed in catering equipment.


Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, South Australia Police, Western Australia Police
Another significant outcome under Operation Vitreus, with South Australia Police seizing 10 kilograms of methylamphetamine as a direct result of knowledge shared by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, via Western Australia Police.


Australian Border Force, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Australian Federal Police
Three men have been arrested by the Victorian Joint Organised Crime Task Force (JOCTF), following an alleged attempt to import 17 kilograms of methamphetamine concealed within a consignment of door hinges.


Five Australians have been charged following a joint-agency investigation into an international drug importation syndicate.


Australian Border Force, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Australian Federal Police, Australian Transactions and Reporting Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), Western Australia Police
A record 1.2 tonnes of methamphetamine has been seized on the west coast of Australia and eight men have been charged as a result of a complex, multi-agency investigation which traversed the country.


Australian Border Force, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Australian Transactions and Reporting Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), Western Australia Police
More than 50 kilograms of methamphetamine has been seized in three separate operations this week targeting international, interstate and suburban drug distribution networks.