The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) has released its latest findings from the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program, providing an in-depth analysis of drug consumption across the nation. Report 22 offers a critical perspective on the illicit drug markets supplied by serious and organised criminal groups.
Wastewater analysis
Drug consumption data shows serious and organised criminals continue to exploit Australian community
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) has released the latest findings from its National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program, revealing methylamphetamine and cocaine consumption increased to the highest levels recorded since 2020.
Based on all intelligence available to the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), it is likely that cocaine trafficking groups (CTGs) collectively are attempting to supply as much, or perhaps more, cocaine to Australia than has ever been the case.
Today the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) released Report 16 of the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program.
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) today released the 15th report of its National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program (the Program).
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) today released the 14th report of its National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program (the Program). This report presents data on Australia’s drug consumption for 12 substances. The April 2021 collection covered around 56 per cent of Australia’s population—about 13 million Australians.
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission today released the thirteenth report of its National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program.
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has today released the fourth report of the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program, revealing that of the illicit drugs tested, consumption of methylamphetamine and cocaine has increased across Australia.
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
The number of national illicit drug seizures and arrests has reached new highs, according to a report released today by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), the Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS) at The University of Queensland and the University of South Australia have formally commenced a partnership to undertake the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Pilot Program.